International Doctoral Program 'Environment Water'

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- a Three Year Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences.

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An increasing world population exerts a continually growing demand on usable fresh water resources. For sustainable development of these water resources under economic and social constraints, the education of highly-qualified water resources engineers with a global perspective and the ability for international scientific cooperation is of utmost importance.

ENWAT is a doctoral program in Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering offered by the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences which leads to a doctoral degree in Engineering ('Doktor-Ingenieurin' or 'Doktor-Ingenieur', abbr. 'Dr.-Ing.'). It is offered in addition to bilingual M.Sc. programs, e.g. in Water Resources and Engineering Management (WAREM), Air Quality Control, Solid Waste and Waste Water Process Engineering (WASTE),  Infrastructure Planning (MIP), and Computational Mecha­nics of Mate­rials and Struc­tures (COMMAS).

The doctoral program ENWAT is structured into two phases:

In the initial phase, doctoral researchers are required to take classes at the doctoral level as specified in an individually designed study plan. The courses are intended to directly aid in the preparation for the dissertation research. Most classes are taught in English, and the regular curriculum is supplemented through workshops and short courses taught by faculty from universities worldwide. Aside from classes, the doctoral researchers will mainly focus on the preparation of a detailed research proposal and a projected time line.

ENWAT doctoral researchers also participate in a seminar series where they present their research or proposed research which is then discussed with other doctoral researchers and supervisors of the ENWAT program. The first phase is concluded with an oral qualifying exam. A passing grade in the Qualifying Exam will allow the doctoral researcher to enter the second phase.

In the second phase, the doctoral researchers primarily focus on their dissertation research and the preparation of a doctoral thesis. The thesis research may be undertaken at any of the participating institutes within the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Sciences. In addition, the candidates continue to participate in the doctoral seminar which takes place twice a year. After completion of the doctoral thesis, the doctoral researcher is required to publicly defend her/his thesis research and to pass an oral dissertation exam.


The disciplines in Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering reach from waste water treatment to modeling hydrosystems; they cover research on rainfall-runoff-models and the impact of climate change on water resources as well as sanitary engineering, biological air purification and the investigation of sedimentation and transport in fluvial channels.

This wide range of disciplines is bundled in several institutes:


This image shows Gabriele M.  Hartmann

Gabriele M. Hartmann


Course Director


International Doctoral Program 'Environment Water' University of Stuttgart

Pfaffenwaldring 7, 3rd floor, room 3.126 , D-70569 Stuttgart

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